These Are the Best Tools to Help You Meditate
Meditating for the first time can be tricky. You’re sitting in silence trying to calm your brain, but your mind is racing with random thoughts about your to-do list and what you need to pick up at the grocery store. If you can’t seem to push the noise away, don’t worry—it’s normal. You just need […]
5 Ways to Practice Self-Care That You Haven’t Tried Yet
There are so many different ways to practice self-care, and—to be honest—you’ve probably heard all of them more times than you can count.
How to Connect with Coworkers During Quarantine
Long gone are the days of taking lunches with your work friends or visiting each other’s cubicles for quick afternoon chats. At this point, you’re even starting to miss the boring conference room meetings, just because you were in a room filled with actual people—not just your dogs. If working remotely has started to feel […]
3 Stress-Relieving Exercises That Combat the Effects of Being Constantly Busy
If you always seem to have an over-packed schedule, you’re not alone. Being constantly busy is kind of the norm in the United States. Any you don’t have a million things going on at once, those feelings creep in that tell you you’re not doing enough. (They’re wrong, of course.) Unfortunately, that bad habit of […]
If You Only Have Time for 5 Yoga Poses, These Are the Ones to Start With
Yoga is well-known for its many benefits. After even a quick workout, you’ll not only feel lighter mentally—as yoga has been shown to relieve stress, combat anxiety, and boost your mood—but you’ll also feel better physically. Flowing though those poses loosens up your muscles, combats aches and pain, and makes you feel more open overall. […]
I Meditated for 5 Days in a Row, and This Is What Happened
I’ve always wanted to be great at meditating. Every time an Instagram post popped up of an influencer sitting with their eyes closed, looking so relaxed and Zen, I wanted that to be me. Unfortunately, after many failed attempts, I kind of just gave up. Whenever I tried meditating, it would go a little something […]
Go Through This Checklist the Next Time You’re Feeling Burned Out
Feeling Burned Out? Try this… Burnout can get the best of us. Whether it’s due to your job, personal life, or a combination of the two, having too much piled up on you will leave you emotionally, physically, and mentally exhausted. While getting rid of that stress isn’t easy—especially with how much there is and […]
6 Things That Should Be in Every Healthy Home Office
You spend a lot of time in your home office. In fact, the only close runner-up is your bed, where you sleep every night. Because of that, making sure it’s a relaxing, calming, and healthy space is crucial—not only for your work performance, but also for your well-being. The next time you’re in your office, […]
Make Your Breaks Count When Working from Home With These Beneficial Ideas
How do you spend your work breaks? If your answer is scrolling through Instagram on your phone, grabbing another snack, or watching Netflix, you’re not alone. And while there’s nothing wrong with any of those options, there are some other things you can do to really make your work break count—especially when you’re working from […]
Everyone Needs a Hobby Outside of Work, and Here Are Some Fun Options to Start With
Work can easily become your life, taking up every second of your day—especially when you work at home and there’s no real work-life balance. That’s exactly why every adult needs a hobby—something they can do purely for their own enjoyment. (And nope, that doesn’t include watching Netflix.) Making time for your hobbies—no matter how busy […]