Intuition AI

If You’re Not Using An All-in-One Workforce Engagement Platform, You’re Behind

Are you struggling with employee engagement in today's 'new normal?' You're not alone.
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Are you struggling with employee engagement in today’s ‘new normal?’ You’re not alone as this Gallup workplace study shows only 15 percent of employees are engaged in the workplace today.

Engaged employees are committed to and contribute to an organization. They’re motivated and excited about the work they’re doing and put their best foot forward. In times of an economic downturn, and where there’s a great deal of fear around health or finances, it becomes a greater challenge to keep engagement high and retain great people.

With that being said, having the right strategy and using tools like a workforce engagement platform, you can be on your way to keeping employees connected and engaged at work–especially when they’re not in a centralized place.

Challenges When Working Remotely

Since the pandemic began and people started to spend more time at home, many studies have shown the negative impact loneliness has on employee happiness and productivity.

With over one-third of the U.S. workforce population continuing to work from anywhere, managing employee engagement in tough times is even more critical.

It makes sense; since people are away from an office, there are more opportunities to miss out on the informal activities (things like talking over office snacks or making plans to go to the gym) that keep employees connected.

Another challenge is that it’s easy for people to feel left out when working remotely, typically because there’s a lack of communication among teams.

When employees feel this disconnect, they experience lowered engagement in their actual work, responsibilities, and, ultimately, interest for your organization. And when their productivity suffers, it ultimately impacts your bottom line.

Let’s look at what steps you can take as a leader to create an inclusive workforce and take your organization from the “new normal” to the “new better.”

Using a workplace employee engagement platform to bring everyone together

A recent McKinsey study shows that “in addition to basic needs (safety and security), three other experience themes (trusting relationships, social cohesion, and individual purpose) are having a disproportionate impact on employee well-being and work effectiveness.”

While there are some obvious steps to start with, like making connection your #1 priority, celebrating accomplishments–big and small, and scheduling weekly check-ins with your team (and sticking to them!), a workforce engagement platform helps you manage the entire process.

An all-in-one workforce engagement platform like Intuition helps you centralize the process while respecting your employees’ different needs. Intuition also helps you boost social engagement and connect your team through live and on-demand content in one spot. Here’s how:

Have 5 minutes? Request a Demo and check out how Intuition can help you boost your employees’ happiness today.

Increases Conversations and Camaraderie

Intuition’s Live Sessions bring back that critical feeling of togetherness through new programming every week. You can spark engagement with your team by taking online workouts together, watching comedy shows, or zenning out in meditation sessions together.

Beyond getting insightful feedback about your employees, Intuition helps you create an inclusive culture where everyone roots for each other in real-time, with features like leaderboards, goal setting, and awards to celebrate big (and small) achievements.

Encourages Bonding Through Shared Experiences

Aside from tuning into live virtual sessions together—which are also available on-demand to watch later—Intuition’s Challenges lets remote teams bond through step-counting competitions, yoga challenges, and more.

Everyone will have something to talk about aside from work, and challenges are a healthy, fun way for employees to compete together. Whether they want to count steps, learn to cook, or drink more water, your teams can set their own goals and try new activities each week.

Connects Teams Through Group Learning

With Intuition’s group video and in-session chat, you can watch Live Sessions or take classes with your team, and talk with each other as the experience is happening–in a non-disruptive way!

The Ultimate Employee Engagement Platform

With the right collaboration tools, keeping employees connected and engaged remotely is accessible. Intuition lets you effortlessly connect, engage, and manage your remote and on-site employees all in one platform.

With a dedicated space for socializing, you can spark the relationships that boost team cohesion and build a stronger, better culture, keeping you ahead of other organizations. Your employees won’t just thank you for it; they’ll enjoy improved productivity and reduced burnout.

Learn more about Intuition’s all-in-one workforce engagement platform and see if we’re right for your organization.

TeamBuilder by Intuition strikes a perfect balance between productivity and technology. Build teams using generative AI with minimal time impact and maximum results. TeamBuilder increases productivity by building relationships and interaction between diverse employee’s and ensures a productive, inclusive environment.

Remember, culture building must be continuous, not a one-off event. It’s about fostering networks, conversations, and interactions. Request a demo with Intuition, and together, let’s build a more inclusive, connected workplace.

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