How to Practice Mindfulness (and Finally Get Out of Autopilot)

It’s easy to live your life on autopilot—especially when your days are spent trapped in your home. You wake up, work, eat, and go to bed. Because of that, some days might not be very memorable at all. But that’s where mindfulness comes in: It allows you to take a step back and be more […]

How To Learn New Skills

You can only spend so much time doing the same thing over and over again before the boredom sets in, and there’s no better time than now to learn some new skills. Learning new skills is one of the best ways to keep your brain in tip-top shape over the years. According to Harvard Medical […]

Webinar Recap: The Best Virtual User Guides to Get to Know Your New Hires

User Guides play a crucial role in helping connect new hires with teammates and organizations. The information below is an excerpt from today’s webinar with Intuition’s co-founder and Chief Brand Officer, Sammy Courtright on the best virtual User Guidess to use for new-hire orientations that work. Watch the entire recording here or keep reading below. […]

5 Ways Managers Can Help Make Employees’ Remote Experience Better

Managers already have a tough job. And when you add having to do everything virtually to the mix, that job only gets harder. Companies around the world have switched to a remote workplace due to the global pandemic, and a lot of old management techniques just don’t work from afar. Instead of trying to run […]

Go Through This Checklist the Next Time You’re Feeling Burned Out

Beat the stress

Burnout can get the best of us. Whether it’s due to your job, personal life, or a combination of the two, having too much piled up on you will leave you emotionally, physically, and mentally exhausted. While getting rid of that stress isn’t easy—especially with how much there is and how long it’s been weighing […]

Break Employees’ Quarantine Routine With This Platform

Quarantine Routine

Pre-quarantine, many employees were able to get a dose of work and play. After a long day, there were happy hours with coworkers, events to attend—things that made jobs exciting. Now in this new work-from-home world, the days quickly blur together, leaving people longing for a change. That’s where Intuition comes in. Intuition’s workforce engagement […]

5 Ways to Improve Your Virtual Communication Skills

effective virtual communication

This year, virtual communication became the main form of communication for many people all over the world. And learning how to communicate effectively when you’re relying on Zoom, emails, and work chat platforms has certainly been a challenge. While such a quick shift can be really hard to get used to, it’s more than possible […]

An Expert Shared Her Top Tips on How to Be More Sustainable at Home

Everyone can make improvements when it comes to how much electricity, water, and waste they use and produce every day—even if that’s something as simple as taking a shorter shower. Especially with all the extra time the world is spending at home lately. During a recent virtual webinar from Intuition, Kristen Fulmer, a New York […]