Remember those days of strolling into the office and saying hi to all your co-worker friends on the way to your desk? Hardly… because at this point, it seems like forever ago.
It can be hard to get used to working remotely, even months after everyone started working from home. It’s lonely, you no longer have camaraderie and a sense of belonging, and you actually miss the awkward break room conversations just because it was some form of human interaction. But just because everyone is working virtually doesn’t mean you can’t still show each other support.
If you’ve been struggling with figuring out the best ways to support remote co-workers during this weird time, try the methods below. You’ll make your colleagues feel supported and loved, get some (virtual) Facetime, and—most importantly—bring some fun back into the workplace. No office needed.
5 Ways to Support Your Co-Workers When Everyone Is RemoteChat Them Every Couple Days
Being a remote worker can feel isolating, so check in with your co-workers often. Ask them how they’re doing, mention something about the funny meme they shared on Instagram, or send them a link to something that reminds you of them. Any conversation can make an impact.
1. Challenge Them to a Contest
Intuition’s Challenges feature allows you to compete with your co-workers in a fun and healthy way. Having a step-counting competition with your work friends, for instance, not only gives you an excuse to check in on each other every day, but it also allows you to better your health in the process.
2. Ask Them to Join You for a Zoom Lunch
Back before everyone started working remotely, work lunches were one of the best ways to check in. While that’s not exactly an option anymore, having a fun lunch date over Zoom is. Invite a co-worker you haven’t talked to in awhile so you can catch up on what’s going on in each other’s lives. Having that Facetime—even if it’s just 15 minutes—can make a big difference.
3. Acknowledge Their Accomplishments
When you’re a remote worker, your accomplishments often go unrecognized. If someone on your team did something impressive (big or small!) and they haven’t gotten shouted out for it, be the one to do the bragging. Even tagging them in a message on your team’s Slack channel will make their day.
4. Invite Them to (Virtual) Events
Bonding with co-workers isn’t as easy when everyone is working remotely. Since you can’t just meet up for happy hour or grab dinner, invite your group to a virtual event instead. Intuition has numerous different options that will give you something to bond over from afar, from live music to comedy shows. You can even take workout classes together.