Intuition Corporate Social Network

Solve the remote engagement problem

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Why a Corporate Social Network?

Weak Virtual Relationships Harm Your Business

Remote Workforce engagement

The problem:

  • Engaging and managing remote workers is harder than in-office employees.
  • Virtual everything – conference rooms, water coolers, handshakes, pats on the back – lead to virtual relationships.
  • Virtual relationships can be harder to form and can lack the strength of real connections.
Remote Workforce engagement

Don't Ignore the Engagement Problem

Finding top talent typically costs more than retaining top talent.

People want to feel respected, valued, and that they can grow.

Company values and culture go a long way in attracting and retaining talent as do DEI support, and social responsibility.

Happy employees are more productive employees.

Employees want to be able to bring their whole selves to work.

People often quit managers, not jobs.

All of this is even harder in a remote and hybrid setting.

Studies show that people are less likely to leave a job when they have more than one friend at that job.

Intuition - Insights to Human Performance
Intuition Careers

A Corporate Social Network solves this problem

Build teams socially

People are inherently social, which explains the viral growth of social networks like Facebook. Companies need social networks, too, now more than ever in our post-COVID hybrid work environment.

Team Building is Not an Event...

It is a Process.

Get started

What's included in TeamBuilder Free?

  • TeamBuilder Free is a social network, similar to Facebook and LinkedIn, but with features that promote corporate unity and culture.

  • Features like an activity feed that allows employees to connect in real-time, with most of the familiar features of the large social networks.
Virtual water cooler topics