Intuition AI



Call us
  • AI-driven Banter
  • User Guides
  • Recognition (ShoutOuts)
  • Challenges
  • Google Workspace Integration
  • The "Ten Spot" videos


Call Us
  • AI-driven Banter
  • User Guides
  • Recognition (ShoutOuts)
  • Challenges
  • Google Workspace Integration
  • The Ten Spot Videos

Benefits your HR budget can afford

The current cultural climate surrounding Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives has reached a critical juncture. On one hand, the ongoing culture war highlights the pressing need for a fresh approach to fostering inclusion and engagement within organizations. Simultaneously, the escalating litigation risks stemming from both ends of the DEI debate underscore the imperative for a departure from conventional strategies. In this pivotal moment, HR leaders find themselves at a crossroads, equipped with budgets and a readiness to explore innovative alternatives to traditional culture-building methods.

TeamBuilder strikes a balance between both sides and aces your team objectives for you.

What you get:

Social Network

TeamBuilder’s Corporate Social Network is a vibrant and interactive digital space crafted to foster deeper understanding and connections within diverse teams. It’s more than a mere platform; it serves as a community hub where team members can engage, share experiences, and collaborate.

Social Network


Engaging and Enlightening Team Experiences offers over 60 professionally-curated sets of activities, each themed around cultural and heritage events such as LatinX month, Juneteenth, and more. These activities are designed to foster team spirit and enhance cultural awareness among team members.

Team Challenges


Banter transforms everyday interactions into opportunities for light-hearted, meaningful exchanges among team members. Designed to act as a virtual water cooler, Banter encourages engaging discussions, fostering a sense of community and camaraderie within the workplace.

Team Conversation Starters

Coffee Chats

Whether conducted face-to-face or online, these coffee chats are designed to break down barriers, encourage open communication, and enhance mutual understanding among colleagues from varied backgrounds. By prioritizing personal interactions, TeamBuilder Coffee Chats play a crucial role in building a cohesive, inclusive, and connected workplace culture.

Coffee Chat

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