Intuition AI

Social Network

TeamBuilder’s Corporate Social Network is a community hub designed to deepen connections and understanding within your diverse team.

Social Network

The Heart of Team Connection

Sharing and Interaction

Our activity feed kicks off with work events, Banter interactions, and Challenge Actions, fostering engagement among team members. Individuals contribute work-appropriate posts about their personal lives, cultural experiences, and professional milestones, creating a dynamic platform for sharing and collaboration.

User Profiles

Personalized User Profiles serve as the bedrock for team cohesion. Employees craft succinct, professional biographies, fostering an environment conducive to mutual understanding. Our Generative AI leverages this data to curate compelling conversations, topics, and challenge inputs.

Sharing and Interaction

Our activity feed kicks off with work events, Banter interactions, and Challenge Actions, fostering engagement among team members. Individuals contribute work-appropriate posts about their personal lives, cultural experiences, and professional milestones, creating a dynamic platform for sharing and collaboration.

User Profiles

Personalized User Profiles serve as the bedrock for team cohesion. Employees craft succinct, professional biographies, fostering an environment conducive to mutual understanding. Our Generative AI leverages this data to curate compelling conversations, topics, and challenge inputs.