Intuition AI

How AI Improves Team Building in Hybrid workforces

The last year and a half has seen many businesses shift to remote or hybrid working models. While these models have allowed for greater flexibility in the workplace, they have posed new challenges for team building and employee engagement.
AI assisted Team Building

How AI Improves Team Building in Hybrid Workforces

Artificial intelligence is a broad term used in computer science to describe computer systems that can exhibit intelligent and simulative behavior. However, when discussing AI’s use in business, the definition can be vague. Another term commonly used with AI is machine learning, which refers to a computer system’s ability to learn and improve its performance autonomously.

As businesses begin to explore AI’s applications, they are discovering its potential to improve various aspects of their operations, including management, marketing, support, and team building. AI is becoming a valuable tool for enhancing collaboration and collective efforts within a company.

With its specialized analytics and assessment capabilities, AI is transforming how organizations approach teamwork. The integration of technology into the business world has made it a more competitive environment, and the compatibility between humans and machines is now a crucial factor in a company’s success.

The last year and a half has seen many businesses shift to remote or hybrid working models. While these models have allowed for greater flexibility in the workplace, they have posed new challenges for team building and employee engagement. This is where AI tools like TeamBuilder come in, offering innovative solutions to help managers build and strengthen their teams even in the face of physical distance.

User Guides

A new member joining a team can feel overwhelming and awkward for both parties. Fortunately, the User Guides feature on TeamBuilder automates the onboarding process by asking new team members a set of predetermined questions. This not only helps new members feel welcome, but also assists in data analytics by gathering information about team members’ interests and strengths.

Ice Breakers


Engaging employees in company initiatives is always a challenge, more so when working remotely. TeamBuilder offers curated, highly-engaging, and fun activities through its Challenges feature. These gamified activities create a sense of shared accomplishment among team members and bring them closer together in their efforts to complete a goal.

Team Challenge


Feeling appreciated and recognized is vital to employee engagement. With TeamBuilder’s Shout-Outs feature, team members can publicly express their appreciation for each other while tying these messages to the expression of corporate values. This not only fosters positivity and goodwill but also solidifies a sense of shared purpose and values among the team.

Shout outs


The Pulse feature on TeamBuilder offers continuous employee feedback through automated regular surveys. The surveys use Generative AI to assist in the rapid distillation and analysis of the collected data, making it actionable for managers. This enables them to address any concerns or issues before they escalate, keeping the workplace environment healthy and productive.

Team Pulse

1:1 Planner

Managers can sometimes struggle with organizing and conducting 1:1 meetings effectively. The 1:1 Planner on TeamBuilder offers an effortless approach to scheduling and conducting meetings. The tool uses Generative AI to produce context-based data that helps managers conduct constructive conversations with their team members.


Good conversation is essential for team building and employee engagement. By asking personalized and fun check-in questions using AI, TeamBuilder’s Banter feature facilitates conversations among team members. This helps bring them together, builds trust, and improves company culture.

Water cooler topics


TeamBuilder offers advanced team-building functionality from within the communication platforms that businesses already use. Integrating with platforms like Slack and Microsoft Teams makes it easier for team members to use the tool. TeamBuilder also offers single sign-on using Google or Microsoft accounts, making access even more user-friendly.

TeamBuilder Integrations

The “Ten Spot”

TeamBuilder has a collection of bespoke videos that help employees with both professional and personal growth. Covering topics ranging from stress management to cultural intelligence and more, these videos offer a valuable resource for team building and continued education.

Hybrid workforces offer advantages and challenges that require innovative solutions. TeamBuilder offers a suite of tools and features designed to address these challenges and improve team building and employee engagement in the remote and hybrid workplace environments. Using AI-powered tools like TeamBuilder can help businesses create a healthy and productive work environment for their employees, no matter where they’re working.

TeamBuilder by Intuition strikes a perfect balance between productivity and technology. Build teams using generative AI with minimal time impact and maximum results. TeamBuilder increases productivity by building relationships and interaction between diverse employee’s and ensures a productive, inclusive environment.

Remember, culture building must be continuous, not a one-off event. It’s about fostering networks, conversations, and interactions. Request a demo with Intuition, and together, let’s build a more inclusive, connected workplace.

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